The C Word

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Women in Tech

Figuring out where to start when trying to get into the tech/coding space is not easy. For me it was really driven home that I had absolutely no clue on how a website or an app was built during my post uni “I have no idea what to do with my life” gap year. On my travels I met lots of lovely people who were working for some of the world’s largest tech companies and it was so interesting to hear about all the innovative products they were working on. 

When I came home I was quite frustrated with myself that I didn’t know how these things I use everyday work. Luckily, after a few hours of unsuccessful Googling, I came across Code First Girls. I genuinely can’t explain how Code First Girls changed my life and helped me get my current job! 

Code First Girls are on a mission to help women rewrite their future, by providing skills, space and inspiration for women to become “kick-ass developers”. CFG provide free 6 week coding courses for Girls who are at uni or left uni up to two years ago. They are based all over the UK and if you are no longer at uni you can attend the course in London. You are able to start with a coding essentials basic course that covers HTML, CSS & JavaScript and then if you want to keep learning they have further courses on Python & Ruby. 

CFG is a fantastic way to meet likeminded women, develop not only skills, but an understanding of the tech space and open up doors to a wealth of opportunities. Having completed one alone provides you with plenty of knowledge and stories to take into job interviews and make you stand out. 

While I did not go on to be a web developer I code in my job everyday, an aspect of my job that my team at work built into my role specifically for me! If you are at a loose end or have an interest in the tech space, do it! Fill in that application and learn to code! From one nerd to another, enjoy! 

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