5 Tips On How To Stay Informed When You're Busy

People have an average of 300 personal friends and family members on Facebook but keep in touch with only about 70. The rest are people you may have met once or memories from times past. In a similar vein, how many sites do you visit regularly? How many meetings do you attend each week? How often do you check your email?

People have a lot going on in their lives, and keeping up with everything can be a challenge. On top of that, virtually everything is moving toward being online—news articles, football results like on https://sportnews.in/, social network photos, blog posts, etc. In order to stay informed about what's going on in the world today, you need to make time for staying in the loop.

Don't worry; there is a way to do it all—you just need some tips for staying informed when you're busy. 

Here are the top five things you can do:

1) Get your news sent to your inbox

This will save you time because instead of checking several websites every day, everything will be compiled in one place. There are several news services that do exactly this; Google News is a great example for those who use Gmail.

2) Get rid of junk mail

Chances are you get at least one unwanted email per day: advertisements, newsletters and other products or services that you never intended to subscribe to in the first place (the "junk"). Getting rid of this superfluous info will reduce your inbox clutter and increase the chances you'll notice the actual important stuff when it comes in.

3) Use "unsubscribe" links

If you're tired of seeing ads for some over-hyped product, just click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom. If there is no such link, you can always specifically ask the sender to take you off their lists by sending a message (e.g., Dear Sir/Madam: Please unsubscribe me from your mailing list, thank you).

4) Don't use social networks as news sources

Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook are great for keeping in touch with friends and family, but they are not the best for keeping up with the news. They have become so large that it would be impossible to find all relevant information among the spam.

5) Follow the right people on Twitter

If you use Twitter, make sure you follow educated, expert sources who post original content (not just links). If they are sharing links, see if they are reputable sites.

Bonus Tip: Think before you click

If you don't want to miss important articles from your favourite sites, make sure you don't click on every link that catches your eye. Just because it's in the Facebook feed doesn't mean you need to read it right away. You can always come back later.

Thinking before doing is a time-tested mantra for a reason.

In Closing

Don't forget that staying informed does not just mean reading news articles online. You can stay in the loop by reading books about current events and issues, or listening to podcasts while driving, exercising or doing chores around the house. The important thing is to be proactive about discovering new information each day. With a little effort, you can stay informed even if you're busy!


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