Just So We’re Clear: Hanli Hoefer is Awesome

Hanli Hoefer makes the rest of us look lazy - she started modelling at 15 and has been hustling ever since. 

She has since become an actress, presenter and podcaster. You can check out her podcast on Spotify now which she co hosts with Marissa Trew

I got to talk to Hanli about her podcast, upcoming projects and life after lockdown. 

MR: Your podcast Just so we’re clear is so relatable - what inspired you to create it?

HH: Marissa, my co-host, and I are big fans of female driven podcasts but realised that there was a gap in the market representing the modern Asian woman. Both of us are mixed race and felt that our unique upbringing between two cultures allowed us to have a balanced opinion on a lot of societal topics. So, after a lot of laughing at our own jokes when we hung out together we had a light bulb moment and decided to just go for it and figure out our show along the way. Which we did and so far, it’s brought so much joy and connection with others to our lives. 

MR: What tips would you give to someone who wanted to start their own podcast? 

HH: Stay flexible. Episode 1 will be completely different from episode 10. Remember that the show can evolve as you find your confidence and voice. The hardest step to any project is to just begin. So jump over that hurdle and just go for it! 

MR: You wear so many hats with all the work that you do to build your brand, your podcast and acting - how do you stay so organised? 

HH: I’m committed to my calendar - I plan everything a minimum of 2 weeks ahead. I understand the importance of a work life balance so I make sure to organise my life as such. I’m a freelancer and I work alone most of the time, unless I’m on set or at a recording. Over the years I’ve developed a discipline with my routine for without it I’d be at risk of burnout. It’s easy for me to stay organised when I’m not stressed out. So my emotional and mental well-being is always my top priority. 

MR: During the course of your career, what have been some of the ups and downs that you have encountered?  

HH: While I’m proud that my career is one of my many hats it also meant that I was a beginner in a lot of positions. And like the beginning of any new job, project or role I’ve encountered nerves, self-doubt and fear - however, I’m not afraid of failure. 

I navigate my life through learned experiences, this is where I get my confidence. So, whenever I am met with feelings of insecurity or uncertainty I remind myself that whatever the outcome is I’m going to be gaining a new wisdom from just doing it. 

MR: Who are the three people who have been the most influential to you?

HH: Jameela Jamil, Lily Singh, Brene Brown

MR: What’s one thing you wish you had known when you began your career?

HH: That asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Also, once you do learn how to ask for help you’ll be surprised at how many people truly want to help. There is a lot of kindness in this world if you seek it out with pure intentions. 

MR: Who would be your dream guest for your podcast?

HH: Definitely Jameela Jamil, Lily Singh, Brene Brown!

MR: Do you have any fun projects coming up? 

HH: Yes! But I can’t share anything just yet.

MR: What are you looking forward to doing most once it’s safe to do so again?

HH: Travel and see my partner - he’s in Bali. Long distance relationships are especially hard during this pandemic. My thoughts are with any other couple who are going through the same hurt.

MR: How are you staying mentally and physically fit during this pandemic? 

HH: Physically I stick to a workout regime and move for at least 1 hour a day - this includes long dog walks with my pup. In regards to my mental health I was meditating, journaling, checking in with friends, painting and just practicing as much self compassion as possible. 

MR: What shows have you been getting into during lockdown?  

HH:  Lockdown was a year ago now for us in Singapore - however I’ve recently been binging Ginny and Georgia, Bling Empire, Behind Her Eyes and Surviving Death. 

MR: Tell us one thing about yourself that no one knows?

HH: I love painting and drawing - most Sundays I’m hanging out at home working on my art. 

MR: Name three things you can’t do without?

HH: My portable speaker, my weighted blanket and gold hoops.

You can follow Hanli here

Mary Raftopoulos

Mary is 32 and started started This is Impt during lockdown as a way to help highlight the racism we face everyday in the UK. She wanted to continue the conversation that the Black Lives Matter movement started and the discussion about racism in the UK. She collects stories from black women and men for publication because she believes the more we talk about racism and share our stories the more people will realise the severity of it. Speaking up and being vulnerable is something she has always shied away from on social media but she hopes these conversations help people understand the Black British experience.


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