Quick fire questions with Anna Svetlik De La Rosa

Meet Anna Svetlik De La Rosa, the creator of The Anna De La Rosa Empowering Women Blog, Community & Coaching. We get to know Anna a little better of a serious of quick fire questions, and you won’t be disappointed!

Tell me about a usual day for you. 

Every day for me is a little bit different, however I routinely wake up and practice yoga and meditation daily. This is a great way for me to centre and calm myself for the upcoming day ahead. From there, I typically answer emails and work with women to assist them with their goals for their lives and business. 

What does a typical coaching session for one of your clients look like?

We typically meet for 30-60 minutes, and my role is to listen to my client. I act as the container they need to dump in all their ideas, and I help to organize them.  Then from there, I show them how and where they need to level up in each area of their business and personal life. I encourage them to practice mindfulness and mediation as a routine in their daily lives to centre and calm themselves for their day. This helps me to make decisions in a rational and calm mindset and in turn, I have found it extremely beneficial to pass onto my clients to help them prioritize their businesses and personal lives strategically.

What made you want to start being a motivational speaker alongside coaching?

I love to inspire and encourage others, because I have been through it and understand how crucial it was for me to have support in different areas of my life. For example, I went through an intense divorce, and I have used my experience to show others how to pick themselves back up during a messy situation. I use all my life experiences as examples to assist women and inspire them to not give up and keep pushing towards their goals. I wanted to be able to show them that it is never too late to start over. 

Where or who do you draw your inspiration from?

There have truly been so many people who have influenced me and I have looked to for inspiration however, I credit Gabby Bernstein for encouraging me to find inspiration, my family, and my daughter Hannah. Hannah is my muse and my why.

As a successful businesswoman, what advice would you give other women looking to take the plunge and start their own business?

Do not focus on being perfect, just get started.

There are going to be so many times that you will transition and fluctuate things in your business. Starting is the first step and you can tweak anything you wish once you have begun.

A lot of the clients I speak to are in their head a lot about getting started. I always suggest quieting those voices in your head and take that first leap. I also invested in a publicist because that was important to have a team to help me grow my brand. My publicist Alli Rodriguez of Alli Rodriguez Public Relations has been such a support and we have grown my brand together over the past few years. It is essential to have someone to help bounce ideas off of and help you to get to different areas of success. You cannot do it all alone.

You've got a serious following behind you on Instagram! Any tips or tricks for female founders on how to get noticed online?

Thank you! My social platforms started growing when I stayed consistent with posting. I engaged with my followers that like and comment on my posts. I focus on being authentic and that gravitated followers towards my various Instagram pages and platforms.

I also make it a point to focus on my own growth because it’s easy to get imposter syndrome on social media and see what others are doing and wishing your platform could grow as fast as someone else’s. I just keep true to myself and the result has been the organic growth over the years.  

Lastly, what's next for you? Is there anything in 2021 that we should know about?

I will continue to grow all my social platforms and continue to grow, learn, and help others. One of my brands, Manifesting Junkie, will be having merchandise coming up in 2022. I have a book called “Empowered Women that Empower Women” and there have been SO many interview requests that we have paused for now however, that will be coming out in the future.

We hope to launch a few events throughout next year as well where I can get to meet all my followers and continue to empower and encourage women.


Founder of The C Word Magazine, Emily King is currently living in London. She is passionate about art, travel, culture, cinema, fashion, sports, dating, feminism and a whole lot more. She is currently working on her own podcast with a friend and also dabbles in graphic design, when not doing her day job as a project manager. Find her on Instagram @emlrking or chatting on Confession Sessions, The C Word Mag’s podcast.


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