Chasing happiness

Happiness depends on our perceptions.

Our views and our directions.

Values that we hold near,

or things that we do fear.

Priorities or expectations

without any exceptions.

Hopes or dreams that we hold.

That unravel or are sold.

Attachments to material things

Temporary happiness that brings

A drug that has us caught

Yet belies a truth that's rought.

Chasing dreams ever distant,

leaving minds ever vacant.

Grasping straws in vain hope

that they'll help us cope.

Yet awoken we now smell

the mythological ugly spell.

Knowing we've been deceived.

Far more than we conceived.

Coz happiness is not glitz or glam.

Nor fakery that's all a sham.

Designed to make us pay

and to take our joy away.

Yet real joy can come for free.

If only we'd unveil and see.

Better versions of you and me,

bring more hope when we're family.

Choosing to combine our actions.

Not creating hate by reactions.

Embracing our differences,

not boasting of our preferences.

Seeking to share and to give.

To enhance where we live,

nurturing what we are gifted.

So that others are uplifted.

Eradicating all hate.

To create a better state.

A world without war,

with true happiness in store.


Karen Burns is 49 and lives in Coventry, England and she is a freelance journalist. Her interests are reading, poetry, writing reviews and she has a blog all about her daughter who has an eating disorder.

Karen Burns

My name is Karen Burns, I am 49 live in Coventry England. I am a mature undergraduate student, just awaiting my classification for my Social Studies degree.

My interests are reading, poetry, writing reviews and have a blog all about my daughter who has an eating disorder.


No More The Fool


Cruel twist