Spice up your Valentine's Day: The secret ingredients for passion and romance

It’s February, which means you can’t help but have noticed all of the Valentine’s Day chocolates, flowers, and cards on prominent display in your local supermarket. If you’re in a relationship, chances are you’re also feeling the pressure to deliver a day of love and romance. 

Of course, the perfect date night is more than just candlelit dinners and moonlit walks, it's also about igniting passion! We want that special night to move beyond the restaurant or theatre and into the bedroom (or any other room in the house!).

However, when planning your night I would steer clear of the clichéd sweet treats and champagne. And as those long touted "aphrodisiac" foods like oysters, avocados, and milk chocolate strawberries - I’m sorry to say but they simply don’t work. Not to worry though, here are my professional top tips as to which foods are best to fuel passion and romance.

Sharing the right food in a romantic setting can spark passion. But for lasting bedroom performance, you need a diet rich in whole foods with essential vitamins and minerals.

So, ditch the "naughty" fruits and vegetables – think long-term health! Including nuts, fish, seafood, whole grains, and fresh, whole foods in your diet naturally improves your well-being. Taking good care of yourself boosts confidence, body image, and the desire to connect with your partner. Plus, you'll ensure that the key nutrients for sexual function like zinc, vitamin D, B vitamins, and magnesium are abundantly available. Pair that with regular exercise, and those dietary choices will enhance your libido.

Now, let's talk about specific ingredients:

Ashwagandha: Also known as winter cherry. 

Ashwagandha is a shrub part of the nightshade family that grows in India, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. It’s formed a part of an Indian field of alternative medicine known as Ayurveda for centuries. 

But there have also been encouraging studies showing that Ashwagandha has multiple benefits. Among these are reduced stress and anxiety levels, enhanced athletic performance, and reduced blood sugar levels. Perhaps most importantly, studies have also shown that the herb can enhance male testosterone levels and increase libido as a result.

Maca root: This widely available supplement could potentially have positive effects on your sex life. Usually taken in powder form, supplements are extracted from the Maca plant (also known as Peruvian ginseng), which is native to the high Andes of Peru and Bolivia. 

As well as being used to enhance stamina and endurance (both things you want in the bedroom), some studies suggest that Maca root may improve semen quality, reduce enlarged prostates, and relieve the symptoms of menopause. All things that are going to make you feel more sprightly between the sheets!

Ceremonial and raw cacao for arousal: If you try to link regular chocolate to libido the science is going to draw up short even if the larger brands try to market the opposite! 

However, opting for the pure unroasted stuff is likely to improve your bedroom athleticism. This is because raw cacao, or even better, ceremonial cacao, contains two key compounds, anandamide and phenylethylamine (PEA).  

Anandamide, commonly termed the “bliss molecule”, is an endocannabinoid that binds to the same receptors in the brain as THC, the active compound in cannabis. It induces feelings of happiness, relaxation, and euphoria which will enhance mood and contribute to a more positive sexual experience. Phenylethylamine is actually sometimes referred to as the "love chemical" because it can induce feelings of excitement and attraction through increasing dopamine levels in the brain - dopamine being our neurotransmitter that plays a role in pleasure and reward pathways.

My top choices would be Nourish & Glow ceremonial cacao, either prepared as a drink or melted to make your homemade treats or Vivani bars. The higher the cacao content the better.

Science aside, chocolate can be a wonderfully sensual foodstuff, so get creative, make it part of the experience, and help set the mood for the following passion. 

Dietary needs matter: Imagine a delicious Valentine's Day meal followed by… bathroom emergencies. Not exactly romantic! Luckily, specialist online stores like WellEasy make catering to special diets easy. Whether gluten-free, lactose-free, vegan, paleo, or keto, you can plan a perfect meal without worries. Check your Valentine’s date’s dietary needs in advance, and then simply use the site's filters to make your ingredient selection easy. 

They also have an abundance of recipe suggestions if you feel a little unsure of what to make. As someone with slightly complicated dietary requirements, I can assure you that this simple act will definitely win some serious romance points!

A little note on caffeine and alcohol: Both can play in your favour, or quickly swing in the opposite direction, it’s very much dose-dependent.

Starting with alcohol, a little goes a long way. Initially, we see increased social confidence, decreased inhibitions, and a heightened sense of attraction. But tip the scales a little too much and you’re going to decrease sexual performance, impair motor skills (meaning you become clumsy), and start to compromise communication abilities. Sip slowly and drink plenty of water alongside to stay on the right side of the tracks.

Caffeine similarly can be a performance enhancer that increases energy, alertness, and all-important blood flow (creating heightened levels of sensation). Or it can click into causing jitteriness, anxiety, too much self-awareness, and an inability to perform. Generally, I would look to the stimulating effects of ceremonial cacao instead of coffee with your Valentine’s meal - you’ll get a lovely sense of sensual stimulation with no negative side effects. 

Beyond Valentines: Remember, while adding a special touch to Valentine's Day is great, these food hacks have long-term benefits. Incorporating them into your regular diet means year-round enhanced passion, not just for one day. Now, that's something I can wholeheartedly recommend! 


Phoebe Liebling is an internationally recognised Nutritional Therapist and health entrepreneur. With over a decade of clinical experience in complex chronic health issues, she is renowned for her dedication to education within the wellness industry, clearly explaining the science behind health trends and sharing her simple tips and tricks to make optimal health accessible to all. In addition to her private clinical work, Phoebe also runs worldwide retreats through The360 and has recently launched Nutri Tailor. The latter is her next step in making professional care and support available to all. 

Phoebe Liebling

Phoebe Liebling is an internationally recognised Nutritional Therapist and health entrepreneur. With over a decade of clinical experience in complex chronic health issues she is renowned for her dedication to education within the wellness industry, clearly explaining the science behind health trends and sharing her simple tips and tricks to make optimal health accessible to all. In addition to her private clinical work Phoebe also runs worldwide retreats through The360, and has recently launched Nutri Tailor. The latter being her next step in making professional care and support available to all. 


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