What does travel mean to me?

Travel to me means getting up at 4 AM to get to the best spot to watch the dawn.

It implies becoming mixed up in a different country/city without Google Maps and transforming it into a totally different experience. It implies attempting to impart in broken English and being grateful that the other individual is happy to attempt to get you. It means learning patience and taking acceptance to a whole new level. Travel to me means befriending local people and respecting their way of life. It implies investing energy in jump bars and nearby eateries since somebody passing by prescribed it to you. It implies going spots to really explore, not simply going spots to say you've been there. It's perceiving it's smarter to remain in one country for a month than attempt to stick in three.

Travel to me implies losing all sense of direction in little book shops and cafes. Starting up discussion with people around you and valuing the little fortunes in the zone you find. It's encountering the same number of new things as you can.

Travel to me means building relationships with individuals you could never have met something else and dealing with them like family. It's confiding in individuals you scarcely know and placing your confidence on the planet that things will all work out. It's having a consuming desire to see however much as could be expected and truly live at the time. It's assisting when you see somebody you don't know battling and imparting bits of your heart to them.

Travel to me implies figuring out how to live with the absolute minimum and understanding that is all you truly require throughout everyday life. It's understanding that assets never really choke out you and that bliss originates from opportunity. It's living just and resting adequately in places you've never known about with a lodging pressed with energetic outsiders, such as yourself.

Travel implies being content with a tad of everything. It's exciting and awfulness, it's energizing and alarming, all its feelings wrapped up into an ocean of recollections and encounters that you wouldn't exchange for anything.

Travel has a different meaning for everyone, some do it to escape their everyday life, some do it to find themselves.

The travel blogging industry is one of the most fun and amazing industry out there according to me, the people you meet, the friends you make here are the best.

I think a lot of people are confused about the travel blogging industry, they think you just travel and take videos or write but it’s a bit harder than you think. The amount of hard work it takes to get the perfect shot of the place or the perfect angle is something you don’t see. Bloggers try new things and experience new things so that they can tell you what’s best about that place. I’m not saying that it’s bad but nothing in life comes easy. All the hard work is worth it, after all you have a job with the best view in the world.

I think that everyone should travel, as much as they can. Travelling changes your mind in an amazing way, it’s like meditation.

Living in India, I’ve realized that this country is filled with all kinds of landscapes out there. Everything you want is all in one country. Travelling in India is not at all expensive and the views you see here are 100 times better than any of your foreign destinations. The transport, the expenses of a trip are all so low that anyone can afford to travel in this beautiful country.

If you want to learn something, experience new things, meet new people, I suggest you travel, travel as often as you can because a trip is the best gift you can give yourself. Experiences are so much better than all the luxury in life. So, the best way to spend your money is travel because travel means to live fully, to accept others, to learn in every area you can and to allow the world to shape you into the person you can truly be.

Trijya Bhardwaj

I'm Trijya Bhardwaj, an enthusiastic travel and fashion blogger. I have always believed in learning as much as I can and learn through the ideas and thoughts of the people I meet. I want to show women that we can travel solo as much as possible without having any fear of new places and people.


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