How to cultivate creativity to heal: 5 tips to tap into your creative life force

Women tell me all the time that they’re not creative. Or they don’t know where to start, and it feels intimidating. They’d like to get past the fear and begin to trust there is something inside of them, but they don’t even know how to begin.

The thing is you are ‘creating’ ALL the time! Here is the definition of create:

 to cause (something) to happen as a result of one’s actions

Therefore, are you not ‘creating’ all the time? When we hear the word ‘creativity’ we get our underwear up in a bunch because we automatically think we aren’t ‘creative’. Not true.

Here is the larger ‘truth’ about being creative:

  • Every human being is an extension of the Creative Life Force, the same force that created all Life.

  • Creative Life Force is the same Life Force that HEALS. Health and wholeness are coded into every cell of a human body. Creativity helps to awaken this healing force.

  • You can’t NOT be a creative human being. Everyone is a creative in their own way. Oh, and NO experience necessary.

  • Creativity is about finding solutions and consciously accessing the energy of healing.

  • The mind has a very limited perception of creativity, of your creativity, and what’s possible. Your creativity lives beyond this perception.

  • Creativity is an aspect of the Soul and feelings landscape (which everyone has), accessed through the heart. The heart being a sacred portal to the Universe.

  • The Creative Force and Fabric, or Field, of the Universe is Intelligence and Love. Love is who you are. Each of us are literally made from particles of Love and an intelligence that knows how to bring a body, mind, and spirit into balance.

  • Creative outlets are everywhere. Part of the fun is the discovering them.

Here are 5 tips to try:

  1. Start by noticing that you are a creative being and that all day long you are creating outcomes and results.

  2. Practice engaging with the creative part of yourself with acceptance, inquiry, and curiosity. Ask: How else might I approach this? What if we did it this way? Is there another way to see this? I love using a journal to capture the places in my day where I felt connected to my creative self, how it served a good outcome, and to record inquiries. When I look back on how those inquiries resolved, it’s amazing.

  3. Look at nature and notice how she has shapes, lines, and color. Sometimes elements collide and are messy, sometimes it’s organized chaos. There’s no right or wrong, there’s just expression. Every being is an intrinsic part of nature. Pick up a leaf and draw it with a pencil, fill it in with a highlighter, you don’t have to get fancy, you just have to get engaged.

  4. Cultivate a relationship with your creative life force just like you would any other relationship…spend time with her, play with her, talk with her, have a glass of wine or cup of tea with her, ask for her advice. BE with her.

  5. Make something new daily or weekly. Cook a new recipe, plant or arrange flowers, color in a coloring book, write a poem, sew something, doodle, draw, paint a painting, knit or crochet, make - instead of buy - a greeting card. Start of list of things you can create so you don’t have to figure it out in the moment. Carve out a small block of time to have this date with you and your Creative Self.


When you engage, do so consciously:

  • Connect with your Higher Self. Put your hand on your heart, helping to bring awareness into your body so it’s not only in your head. Take a deep breath and imagine there is a waterfall of creative and healing white/gold light flowing through the top of your head, flowing into your heart where it overflows like a fountain filling your entire body. It’s a good idea to call this in when your mind wants to be critical of what you’re doing in the moment.

  • Set an intention, such as, ‘during this creative time I intend to gather insight into ‘xyz’ situation. I like to write this down.

  • Stay present. There’s no right or wrong, there is simply moving your energy by way of a creative process. You’re enhanced after creating anything!

Each soul who taps into her creativity not only heals herself but contributes to a healthier world. Find what lights you up and play on the regular. Research shows that engaging creatively has similar benefits as meditation. So good.


Ms. Morse holds a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and a degree in Art and the Creative Process and is a Certified Intentional Creativity Teacher. For the past 30 years, she has been the Director of Holistic Health Services in San Diego, the founder and director of the Sacred Health Academy, an online educational journey dedicated to reclaiming health and wholeness, and is the author of two best-selling books: “The Art of Returning to Love: How to Show Fear and Stress the Exit and HEAL”, and “Reverse Heart Disease Naturally: The Woman's Guide to Not Die before Your Time.” For more visit

Laurie Morse

Ms. Morse holds a master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and a degree in Art and the Creative Process and is a Certified Intentional Creativity Teacher. For the past 30 years, she has been the Director of Holistic Health Services in San Diego, the founder and director of the Sacred Health Academy, an online educational journey dedicated to reclaiming health and wholeness, and is the author of two best-selling books: “The Art of Returning to Love: How to Show Fear and Stress the Exit and HEAL”, and “Reverse Heart Disease Naturally: The Woman's Guide to Not Die before Your Time.” For more visit


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