
As soon as the sun’s out, your mood changes doesn’t it? Something in the air alters, something shifts in the collective thoughts of people and places. Everyone and everything is happier.

Even hay fever sufferers.

Because no matter how much snot erupts from nowhere, that vitamin D manages to find its way into our skin and hearts. Which sounds a little bit sickening and poetic, I’m aware, but I find myself strolling down unknown streets with a huge smile plastered over my snotty face. I prance along with a spring in my step because the music in my ears, the clouds in the sky (that has finally turned blue), the smell and the sounds of summer all come together at the same time. They form some kind of kinetic wave that courses through me like charged electricity. Electric happiness or electric madness.

A serotonin tsunami of positivity that flushes away every bad thought, every lingering doubt, as if they never existed. Because in that moment, they never existed.


The State of Meditation


Being A Woman