Sex is not just for Valentine’s Day: how to spice up your sex life and sexual intimacy

Sex is an essential part of happiness in your relationship and life.

It provides many health benefits and contributes to the closeness and connection between you and your significant other.

Long-term relationships are bound to hit a rut here and there, and that’s OK. Are you wondering how to make sex more meaningful? Here are some ways to spice up your sex life.

1. Learn their love language

When you’re in a marriage or long-term relationship, life can get in the way of your connection with your partner. Everyone has a love language that’s meaningful for them. Find whether your partner is more fulfilled by words of affirmation, gifts, quality time, physical touch or acts of service.

When you cater to your partner’s love language, you are contributing to their overall happiness. What does that have to do with your life in the bedroom? If your partner enjoys acts of service, take something off their plate when they’re feeling overwhelmed and see what that does for your sex life.

2. Connect with each other

If you want to learn how to make sex more meaningful, take the time to ensure you communicate effectively and are on the same page. Never stop flirting with your partner or trying to impress them. Connect with each other’s senses on a physical and spiritual level and focus on why certain things appeal to you.

This can provide a fun bonding opportunity with your partner outside your daily routine. Pay attention to their body and the pain they experience and tailor your sex positions to their needs. If your partner experiences chronic back pain, it can make sex challenging for them. Consider getting creative and trying something new to satisfy them doesn’t hurt.

3. Have a one night stand

Booking a night at a fancy hotel and living lavishly for an evening can do wonders for your sex life. Roll around in the luxury sheets and order room service. Consider experimenting with your partner by playing out fantasies like role-playing. Pretend you are Julia Roberts from the film “Pretty Woman.” Soak in the hot tub while your partner pretends to come home from work.

Relish in a night without responsibility or obligation. Watch a movie without interruption from kids or roommates and bond with each other like you’re dating again. Play a board game to strengthen your bond and break the ice that might be creeping into your relationship. Above all, be sure to turn your phones on silent and enjoy each other’s company without the distractions you have at home.

4. Call in sick

You’re never too old to play hookey. If life is hectic and you have trouble finding time for each other, consider calling in sick together. Stay home all day in your pyjamas and watch movies to bond with each other. Scour the town and do some fun activities you’ve wanted to try but never have the time for.

Making time for your partner is crucial in your relationship and will elevate your sexual experiences. You must prioritize each other by finding the time for date nights, meaningful conversations that aren’t about work or kids, and having some fun.

5. Take your time

Like life, sex can feel rushed or like another thing you need to check off your to-do list. Quickies get the job done and can be hot and steamy on occasion. However, if you’re curious about how to make sex more meaningful with your boo, you might want to take it down a notch. You build excitement and anticipation when you slowly explore each other’s bodies.

Slow down and see how long you can make foreplay last before sex. Use a feather to lightly trace the erogenous zones on your partner to arouse and excite them. Use massage oil and relax your partner as much as possible before you have sexy time. Slowing down and taking your time can make you feel more connected and in tune with each other.

Spice up your sex life

It’s common to fall into a routine or sexual rut in a committed relationship. Life keeps you busy, and it’s easy to get distracted. Get back on track by using these tips to spice up your sex life and reconnect with your partner.


Beth, the Managing Editor and content manager at Body+Mind, is well-respected in the mental health, nutrition and fitness spaces. In her spare time, Beth enjoys cooking and going for runs with her dog.

Beth Rush

Beth, the Managing Editor and content manager at Body+Mind, is well-respected in the mental health, nutrition and fitness spaces. In her spare time, Beth enjoys cooking and going for runs with her dog.


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