Manifestation: Does It Actually Work?

Everyone from psychics to self-help gurus preaches the virtues of manifestation for bringing about the life you want. However, if actualising your desires was as simple as wishing them into existence, everyone would have a lovely house with a pool, a well-paying job and a perpetually youthful and healthy body. You probably know that isn’t reality.

However, does that mean throwing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater and decrying the whole practice as a waste of time? It doesn’t. Manifestation can work, but as you probably suspected, it takes a lot more than thinking “if only” or wishing upon a star. It requires good, old-fashioned hard work.

Does Manifestation Work? The Evidence

You’re not the only one who’s sceptical. Many people want to know if manifestation works, but the answer is both yes and no.

Standing in front of a mirror and reciting, “I deserve a pony,” won’t result in stables suddenly sprouting in your backyard. Manifestation isn’t something as mysterious as alchemy — at its most basic, it simply refers to directing your emotional, mental and physical energy toward a desired goal.

True manifestation requires considerable mindfulness. It means examining all the factors that prohibit your success — including those you cause yourself. For example, you can visit a slew of doctors to ease back pain, but all those copays won’t relieve the ache if your underlying agony results from an inactive lifestyle and refusal to exercise.

The same principle applies to how you direct your mental energies. If you want to exude an air of confidence and self-assurance but your mental background chatter consists of uncontested, “I’m such a failure. Everyone can tell I’m clueless. How could I possibly expect to do this,” you undermine your success.

“Well, that’s magical,” you might retort. “I can’t exactly help what I think.” That’s where manifestation comes in. You might not be able to prevent your brain from travelling down old negative patterns if it's a lifelong habit, but you can build new, better ones by recognizing these thoughts as they occur and cognitively reframing them to the positive.

For example, the next time you think, “I’m such a failure,” call to mind a recent success. Write it down somewhere you’ll see it frequently and look at it to kick that negative thought to the curb every time it rears its ugly head.

5 Tips for Manifesting Meaning in Your Life

Determining what matters to you is your first step in manifesting meaning in your life. Where do you hope to go in life? What do you hope to achieve? What steps must you take to get there? This process can take time to achieve. 

However, regularly participating in the following activities keeps the goal you want to manifest first and foremost in your mind. It helps you maintain focus when life inevitably happens and distractions interrupt you. Here’s what to do.

1. Create a Vision Board

Vision boards bring back the fun of elementary school collages with a purpose. Instead of randomly clipping pretty pictures from magazines, you seek images that represent the life you hope to build. You can make these as often as you like, being as elaborate as you want with each one as you focus your mental energy on what you want to achieve.

2. Journal

Journaling is one of the best ways to fight against negative thought patterns. You don’t have to be the next Shakespeare — make bullet lists! For example:

  • Whenever I think I’m a failure, I’ll remember ‘X’ success.

  • Every time I feel like everyone knows I’m a fake, I’ll remind myself that everyone started somewhere and learning is part of the process.

3. Meditate

Meditation is a powerful way to focus your mental energies. Get into a relaxed state by spending several minutes focusing on your breath. Then, call to mind your goal. Let your passion for what you want to achieve fill your heart chakra until you feel renewed and re-energized to work toward your dream.

4. Research

Here’s where the legwork comes in. Do you dream of starting a nonprofit to help the homeless but struggle to keep a roof over your own head no matter how hard you work? You could throw up your hands in despair. Or, you could get as curious, asking question after question until you find a workaround:

  • Is there anywhere you can find cheap land?

  • Are you willing to consider alternative living arrangements to save money if your current rent prohibits saving?

  • What creative means of funding could you try? Can you transform one of your beloved hobbies into a side hustle if you’re already strapped for time and energy?

5. Share Your Dreams

Few people achieve their dreams alone unless they’re born with a sizable trust fund. Mere mortals who can’t afford to finance their visions have to rely on the kindness of strangers and friends to help them manifest.

However, you’re actually in luck. Two or more heads are always better than one, and you’ll often receive tips from others you would never have imagined that help fuel your success.

Therefore, share your dreams with people you trust. You never know what conversation could lead to a breakthrough that helps you manifest your desired reality more quickly.

Manifesting Meaning — Will It Work for You?

Does manifestation work? The answer isn’t as simple as yes or no. Wishing rarely gets people anywhere, but directing your energies toward a desired outcome can help.

Try the above tips for manifesting meaning in your life. Miracles can happen when you focus on the reality you want to create.


Beth, the Managing Editor and content manager at Body+Mind, is well-respected in the mental health, nutrition and fitness spaces. In her spare time, Beth enjoys cooking and going for runs with her dog.

Beth Rush

Beth, the Managing Editor and content manager at Body+Mind, is well-respected in the mental health, nutrition and fitness spaces. In her spare time, Beth enjoys cooking and going for runs with her dog.


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