Fantastic career choices for women who want to stay on their feet

Do you hate the idea of being stuck behind a desk in your career? You’re not alone. Sitting in an office for 30% of your working life is probably not what you dreamed of when you were younger. As well as this, it’s worth considering that health experts now suggest sitting for long periods without breaks is more dangerous for your health than smoking. As such, it makes sense that you would want to get up on your feet during a work today. Well, the good news is that there are lots of careers that will allow you to do this. Let’s explore some of the possibilities. 


First, you might want to think about working in construction. You might have heard that construction is an industry that is largely dominated and populated by men. While this is true, that doesn’t mean that determined and ambitious women can’t break through the glass ceiling here. You just need to be prepared for intense levels of work that require a lot of endurance and stamina. Working on a construction site is tough but it can also lead to a rewarding career. You will need to make sure that you get the right training for a role like this including completing a CITB (CSCS) Health & Safety Test as a starting point. 

Personal Trainer

Another active career that you may want to consider would be working as a personal trainer. If you work as a personal trainer or a PT, then you can earn a lot of money. You just need to build up the right support with your clients. To operate as a personal trainer, it’s important to make sure that you have the right aesthetic. You need to be fit and healthy yourself otherwise people aren’t going to trust. You. You’ll also need to get the right qualifications if you want to be seen as a professional by clients who you are trying to work with. 


You might think that a teacher spends most of the time behind their desk. However, this isn’t quite true. In reality, teachers are far more active than it appears. They are constantly wandering around classrooms, helping various different students get the support that they need. This isn’t the only reason why working as a teacher could benefit you either. Teaching is an incredibly fulfilling role because it means that you can help different students succeed in their educational career. It’s wonderful watching children become thriving young men and women before your very eyes. There’s also a solid structure here that you can use for career growth. 

Stunt Performer

If you want a career that is going to provide excitement and thrills then you could consider becoming a stunt performer. This is another great career for someone who is young and in fantastic shape. You are going to need a lot of training to explore this career option. But it will allow you to perform on stage, on movie sets and in various different active roles. Once you get older and have experience, you can also become a stunt coordinator and this is an incredibly lucrative position. So, this is never going to lead to a dead end in your professional life. 


Another great career that you could explore is farming. This will be ideal for anyone who wants to work on the land and spend most of their time out in the open. It’s also a great choice if you love working with animals and you want to give back to the world. There’s a shortage of farmers right now and a significant skill gap. As such, by taking on a career like this, you could fill a significant gap in demand. The first step will be learning the right skills and then finding the right farm to invest in or even just a plot of land you can build on. 


Finally, you might want to think about working as a chef. Chefs are on their feet all day and they don’t get too many breaks until they’ve finished preparing different courses. Working in a kitchen can be intense and stressful but if you don’t mind demanding environments, then this could be a great choice for you. Particularly, if you are passionate about food and you love preparing meals in your spare time too. 

As you can see there are lots of careers that will allow women to stay up on their feet throughout the day and allow them to escape from behind the desk. If you explore these options, then you will be able to continue to lead an active lifestyle, even in your professional career. 


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