Lockdown lady of leisure

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So, I must admit that there are a couple of things that have come out of the panny D (pandemic) that I have thoroughly enjoyed. These include but are not limited to:

  • Reduced pollution and the ability to breath FRESH CLEAN AIR in London.

  • No armpit hugging on the commute and NO COMMUTE in general.

  • Talking to the fox who lives in our garden (he cute).

  • Talking to my neighbours?!?! In London?!?! Every week?!?

  • And…most importantly, the ability to do what I want, when I want.

Now, this may sound strange and I’m fully aware that to many this will be a far from novel concept but to me, it’s NEW and it’s bloody amazing. As I’m sure many millennial’s will attest, we love a plan, we love to be busy. We love to cram our weeknights with dinners and weekends with a coffee and a quick vinyasa with a friend, followed by brunch with a school friend, a quick change and a sprint across London for a six nations pub sesh and a twenty something birthday.

We can no longer make plans. We now live by the weather and how we feel. If it is sunny on a Saturday, I might go for walk? Go for a cycle? Read a book with the window open, bask in the sunlight and listen to the birds sing.

In the past, I have been guilty of committing to events and then instantly regretting the commitment once the day of the event arrives. WHY?! Because how could I possibly know how I am going to feel on that day, 2 months in advance.

With my new-found freedom, if I’ve had a shit night’s sleep or work is hectic or I’m hungover – I will tailor the day to my means and energy levels, gone are the days of the coffee – yoga – brunch – PUB relay.

Best of all, I have no guilt or FOMO because everyone is in the same boat and that boat is slowly making its way back to the dock.

Don’t get me wrong, in isolation, I miss all those things but not the relay of weeknights and weekends. The simple pleasures are now where happiness lies, and it’s probably always been this way. We’ve just been so busy doing the weeknight – weekend relay, we forgot to look up, feel the sun on our skin and say hi to the garden fox.

Sarah Wallwork

Sarah is 27 years old and currently lives in London working as a Healthcare Planner. Originally from Liverpool,  she is passionate about nutrition, travel, yoga, podcasts, scandi fashion, psychology and the power of the mind. She is currently persuading her boyfriend (and landlord) to get a dog.


Have you heard about Robert Pattinson’s lockdown pasta dish?

